Training & Schooler Sign Ups Schoolers at Woodbine Mohawk Park will be allotted by signing up on a first come, first serve basis. Only Trainers and essential licensed personnel will be permitted through the Security check point. Important to Note: Helmets and safety vests must be worn on the track Trainers must not bring more horses than they have signed up for Listing an employee as a trainer on additional horses does not allow you to bring in more horses than the maximum allowed Please do not arrive ahead of or stay later than the allotted time Schoolers - Friday, February 28Schoolers - Friday, March 7Schoolers - Friday, March 14Schoolers - Friday, March 21Schoolers - Monday, March 31Schoolers - Friday, April 4Training is available 7:00am - 12:00pm on Wednesdays & Saturdays